Seasonal patterns in oil prices and their implications for investors
Vol. 11, No 2, 2018
Peter Arendas
Department of Banking and International Finance, University of Economics in Bratislava Slovakia
Seasonal patterns in oil prices and their implications for investors
Daniela Tkacova
Department of Banking and International Finance, University of Economics in Bratislava Slovakia Jan Bukoven
Department of Banking and International Finance, University of Economics in Bratislava Slovakia
Abstract. CThis paper focuses on the investigation of oil price seasonal patterns and their exploitability in the investment process. As oil is one of the most important and most traded commodities, a successful investment strategy exploiting seasonal patterns in oil price behaviour may be useful for many retail as well as institutional investors. The results show that during the 1983–2017 period, the Brent and WTI oil prices tended to record abnormally positive returns during the months of March, April and August and abnormally negative returns - during the months of October and November. The analysis also shows that simple investment strategies based on switching between the oil market and money market investments, that are utilizing the oil price seasonal patterns, can outperform in the long term.
Received: November, 2017 1st Revision: December, 2017 Accepted: March, 2018 |
DOI: 10.14254/2071-8330.2018/11-2/12
JEL Classification: Q02, G11, G15 |
Keywords: oil, Brent, WTI, seasonality, investment strategy |