Scientific Papers


© CSR, 2008-2019
ISSN: 2306-3483 (Online), 2071-8330 (Print)

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Instructions for Authors

The Journal of International Studies only accepts original and authentic extended papers (approx. 10-15 A4 pages) on a regular basis, which have never been published before or are submitted/under consideration in another means of publication (e.g. another scientific journal, a scientific conference or a working paper, a report, etc.). JoIS uses a double blind review process to ensure quality of the contributions.


Please, sent your original and authentic papers by e-mail to: 


Papers should be of 10-15 pages in length (1.0-spaced, Times New Roman 12) including the following obligatory parts:

  1. Author’s full name and academic title(s), ORCID 
  2. Author’s full affiliation (including, name of the department, faculty and university, address and e-mail address; if necessary point out the corresponding author). If the author affiliates him/herself with a business organization or institution, please, supply adequate information on the organisation’s full title and address and e-mail address.
  3. Title of the paper (capitalize each meaningful word).
  4. An abstract (150-200 words) to disclose the main idea of the paper and your research results).
  5. Keywords (up to 5 meaningful words/phrases). Always refer to the country(ies) of your research.
  6. JEL classification (please, refer to for your keywords.
  7. Introduction is an obligatory part of the paper, where the author(s) indicates the novelty of the topic and its urgent scientific solutions. The research goal should be clearly stated alongside with research tasks, research methodology, restrictions of the research and major sources of references. Indicate the logic of presenting your research material, e.g., define which section contains what information or research findings (theoretical and empirical).
  8. The body of the text should be broken into meaningful sections with individual headings to disclose the essence of this section. Do not make the headings too long – a preferable heading should contain 1-7 words. The text may contain tables and figures, which should have separate numbering (one numbering system for tables; another – for figures). Never use or re-cite tables and figures of original authors, unless you receive a written permission from original authors/publishing house to include such tables and figures in your paper. A copy of such permission should be scanned and e-mailed to the Editorial Office of JoIS in a PDF format.
  9. Every paper should contain Conclusions, where the author(s) should conclude on the research material, without new facts or data. Implications for a future research might also find their place in Conclusions. Author(s) might opt for a section of Discussion or Recommendations, this practice is also welcome in our Journal.
  10. At the end of the paper the author(s) should present full References in the alphabetical order. 
  11. In rare case we accept papers with extra explanations in footnotes. It is preferred that the author(s) keep(s) footnotes to a minimum.

Requirements for research papers

           The Papers containing results of the social and economic empirical studies should include information on used methodology and methods in the dedicated chapter of the article.

This information must include the following:

name of the organization or individuals that conducted the study;

  - dates of research (field work) or time period of the analyzed data;

  - data sources used and the empirical basis of the study;

  - structure of the population;

  - type of the sample, its size and information about its adjustments, as well as sampling error;

  -description of the data collection methods (e.g., surveys, interviews, observations, experiments, content analysis etc.);

  - exact wording of the questions, as well as their type (e.g., open, closed, semi-closed, etc.);

 - description of the methods of data analysis (e.g., when estimating correlation coefficients – their statistical dependencies must be indicated; when using factor analysis – the percentage of explained variance has to be provided);

  - authors of methodological tools;

 - brief summary on the positive and negative methodological experience: testing of methodological tools, difficulties in the implementation of the initial research concept, discovery of the problems with the methodological tools, unpredictable organizational and methodical situations.

When formatting tables one should indicate more specific information about the provided data. For instance, an author have to specify whether the percent of the respondents, who answered particular question, is calculated as a share from the total number of respondents or a share from the number of respondents, who just answered corresponding question. As the second example, a researcher has to indicate total number of observations together with their share in total. Similar or even more attention has to be paid to the graphical interpretation of the data.

 Finally, it is very important to compare obtained results with the data from other studies. 


Authors must list all sources of research support relevant to the article. All grant funding agency abbreviations should be completely spelled out. Declaring funding sources acknowledges funders’ contributions, fulfills funding requirements, and promotes greater transparency in the research process.

Examples of Funding Statement:

"The research leading to these results has received funding from the PROJECT titled "AAA" in the frame of the program "BBB"  under the Grant agreement number NNN."

"This work was supported by the INSTITUTION  (Grant agreement number NNN).

"This research received no specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors."


References must be in APA (American Psychological Association) style.  More details: References should be clearly cited in the body of the text, e.g. (Smith, 2006) or (Smith, 2006, p.45), if an exact quotation is being used. At the end of the paper the author(s) should present full References in the alphabetical order as follows:

  •   books:  Author, A. A. (2012). This is a book title. Abingdon: Routledge.
  • journals:  Author, A. A. (2011). Title of article. Title of Journal5(1), 123–231. doi:xx.xxxxxxxxxx.
  • Proceedings:  Author , A. A. (2017, March). Title of paper. Paper presented at the meeting of Organization Name, Location. 
  • Internet sources: Author, A. A. (2017). Title of work. Retrieved month day, year, from source.  if no Author or date Retrieved August 8, 2017, from http://


Submissions are accepted all year round with the current waiting time of max. 6 months. When papers are reviewed and selected from scientific events (seminars and conferences), the participation fee already includes the publication charge in JIS.

Finally, papers, as with all other aspects of the Journal, can be addressed to the Editorial Office:

Journal of International Studies,

Centre of Sociological Research 

ul. Bolesława Śmiałego 22/27

70-347, Szczecin


The editorial staff does its best to guarantee our office work fully complies with the principles of academic integrity. For this reason, we strongly encourage all contributors use their institutional/university email accounts in correspondence with the editorial office, the use of private emails (such as those on gmail or yahoo platforms, for example) is strongly discouraged. The use of institutional email in this case is treated as an additional confirmation of your identity.

We also ask to provide ORCID id data, Google scholar link, as well as Linkedin and/or ResearchGate profile data (whatever best suits you). If we fail to verify your academic identity at the stage of desk preview due to little data provided or no online presence - this can be the reason for peer-review rejection. We ask all our authors to provide this sort of data in full at the initial stage of submission already, since this is the best way to prevent bogus submissions and confirm your publication intent. 

In cases when there are more than one author per submission, we ask the coauthors to specify the following: 

Who is the first coauthor (the exact order of listing)

Who is the corresponding coauthor

What is the contribution of each (in %, roughly, and also, please, specify the nature of each contribution - e.g., model design, literature review, data analysis, survey data collection etc.)

 This statement must go on a separate page sign by hand by all the coauthors involved. All potential disputes regarding coauthorship, follow-up corrections by one author etc. are subject to standard rules and procedures in full compliance with COPE regulations.


Reviewing a Manuscript for Publication

All scientific articles submitted for publication in “Journal of International Studies" are double-blind reviewed by at least two academics appointed by the Editors' Board: one from the Editorial Board and one independent scientist. 




Sample papers and template 

Sample Papers and Template. Please, refer to these papers as samples before submitting your paper.