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© CSR, 2008-2019
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Current Trends in the Entrepreneurial Sector in Emerging Territorial Systems

Vol. 6, No 1, 2013

Merciu Florentina-Cristina

University of Bucharest


Cercleux Andreea-Loreta

University of Bucharest


Muşat Ancuţa

University of Bucharest


Current Trends in the Entrepreneurial Sector

in Emerging Territorial Systems


Abstract: The purpose of the present paper is an analysis of the complex economic processes within emerging territorial systems. In a short time span, economic enterprises concentrated inside these urban clusters registered a spectacular evolution compared to the surrounding areas. The intensification of the relations between regional and local development hubs and the space that they polarize led to the individualization of territorial systems apart, with spectacular dynamics of the economic-social processes, which make those systems the most dynamic territorial structures. The study sets out to identify the causes determining these complex processes inside the emerging territorial systems, the manner of functional structuring of the space, as well as the causes that determine the evolution of the economic processes inside emerging systems. Research was conducted upon a relevant emerging territorial system, at the level of NACE (Classification of Activities in the National Economy) codes. For each NACE code, an analysis was conducted of the following indicators: the number of companies, the number of employees, turnover and profit.


Keywords: entrepreneurial profile, emerging territorial systems, relocation, innovation, territorial management.

JEL Classification: L 26, P25, R11.


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