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Flexible Employment Forms as an Element of Flexicurity

Vol. 5, No 2, 2012

Monika Grabowska

Wroclaw University of Economics


Flexible Employment Forms as an Element of Flexicurity


Abstract: Flexible employment forms are one of the elements of active labour market policy which is connected with flexicurity system. The new option on labour market in the present times. Results of the global economic crisis and the demographic situation related to ageing societies cause a need to implement solutions on the labour market which shall be both flexible and protective. Flexible forms of work are forms of work which deviate from the typical form of employment such as a permanent employment contract. These are atypical forms of employment whose characteristics include flexible working time and place, the form of employment, other relations between the employee and the employer. They are a truly new approach in the labour law as they more and more depart from the classical job under a permanent employment contract.


Keywords: labour market, flexible forms of work, forms of employment, traditional model of employment, flexicurity.

JEL Classification: J 22, Q 01.


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