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Management and promotion of economic innovation potential

Vol. 10, No 1, 2017


Raisa Кrayneva


Faculty of Volga Region, State University of Service
Togliatti, Russia



Management and promotion of economic innovation potential


Alexandr Bugaev


Faculty of Volga Region, State University of Service
Togliatti, Russia



Tatyana Zhuravleva


Faculty of Volga Region, State University of Service
Togliatti, Russia

Sergej Vojtovič


Alexander Dubcek University
Trenčín, Slovakia




Abstract. Our paper focuses on scrutinizing the determinants and the structure of economic innovative potential as well as the existing methods of its assessment at the macroeconomic level. We employ a case study of Russian Federation to tackle these issues and to analyze the problems associated with developing and managing economic potential. The paper analyzes the selection and placement in world research rakings, ratings, and indices, as well as the dynamics of change in the indicators characterizing the innovative potential in research and development issues. Our results enable us identify and reveal the key issues and the main problems of research and development potential and to formulate the comprehensive contingency strategic management plan along with the directions and guidelines of innovative development for the years to come. Our findings reveal the main problems in the development of economic innovative potential of Russian Federation and help us to formulate policy implications for the long-term economic horizon.


Received: September, 2016

1st Revision: October, 2016

Accepted: December, 2017


DOI: 10.14254/2071-8330.2017/10-1/10


JEL Classification: O32, Q55

Keywords: innovation potential, global competitiveness, international indexes, ratings, knowledge economy, innovation development, Russian Federation